Astral Space

A cognitively-informed plane of perception, Astral Space is a blanket term applied to Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, and other forms of cognitive or psychic non-corporeal translocation in which the physical location of the characters has little or no bearing on events or actions. It is, in short, “Head Space.” While Am and the Veil share certain visual similarities, the key difference is that astral space is perceived only by directed mental observation, and perception depends entirely on the worldview of the participants – accounts of Astral events vary wildly from person to person, and those not directly involved often don’t see anything at all.

Dyluck appears to be capable of physical relocation through Astral Space, though this may be how she perceives the act. As physical travel through a cognitive plane is presumed impossible, a more likely explanation is that while Dyluck perceives it as an Astral act, she is in fact generating a biomagnetic transfer through Am.