
The public face of the Heirotus Eugenics Program, Addicaines are genetically engineered Heirotus metahumans trained from birth to do whatever it is that needs doing – anything from the blackest of black ops to corporate security and everything in between. Roughly half of the personnel aboard the Sabrosa are part of the Heirotus Eugenics Program. While all of them are technically Addicaines, the term officially applies to the soldiers and pilots that form the Corporate Security Detatchment.

Greg Auriga and Alias are Addicaines.

Aeon (Avatar)

The astral manifestation of the starship Aeon‘s organic components. Michael Yang perceives the ship’s avatar in the form of a dog (species unknown, possibly a wolf or the equivalent of a German shepherd, with the coloration of an NBE). As the Aeon AI has been deprived of much of its higher functions, this perception could be considered an accurate translation of the ship’s capabilities.

Maxine Boe

Maxine’s employment status is convoluted – a civilian volunteer to the Heirotus carbon computing program, she was implanted with an IKON-7 symbiote and then assigned to the ICG carbon pool. After that she was assigned to deep space cartography, then the Hemera, then the Hemera was leased by Heirotus… making her a Heirotus-assigned ICG employee assigned to Heirotus. While the tax forms are a pain in the ass and medical maintenance paperwork is a nightmare, the job itself is a simple one – staying mentally fit while acting as a 24/7 Rational Coordinator for all silicon-based systems aboard the Hemera.

Robert Carrington

Officially the personal bodyguard of Heirotus founder Brandon James, Robert “Bob” Carrington also plays a role in intelligence analysis and the assessment of threats against both the CEO and the corporation. James’ moral compass to the extent that he has one, it’s almost always Bob’s call to handle “irregular” situations via diplomacy, espionage or wetwork. Bob excels at this latter discipline. Occasionally disappearing for days or weeks at a time, the only evidence of his handiwork is a tedious intelligence analysis concluding that an untimely death – typically the result of an accident or “statistical anomaly” – benefits Heirotus in some fashion.

Carrington assumes the mantle of Head of Heirotus Corporate Security shortly after Michael Yang is mortally wounded in early 569 (January, 1968), and still holds the position at the time of The Dualist.

Steve Collins

The Hemera‘s helmsman, Steve’s chief duty aboard ship is steering the damned thing. As he doesn’t get to do it much and doesn’t get to do it often, he was the first ICG crew member to succumb to cabin fever. At the time of his appearance, Steve is doped to the gills on mood stabilizers and spends almost all of his time reading or jogging around the torus.

Hera Frenk

Senior NCO of the Hemera Addicaine Group.

While Greg Auriga is senior Heirotus employee and technically in charge of all Heirotus personnel aboard ship, chain of command puts all Addicaines except Greg and Jo Young under Hera’s authority. Given the nature of the Hemera‘s mission and the lack of key ICG personnel, Hera has found herself in charge of a squad of journeyman maintenance technicians with itchy trigger fingers.

Bartholomew Gant

A genetically engineered black-ops metahuman similar to Beef Knuckelback and directly related by gene sequencing. Gant is just as taciturn as Beef, though he doesn’t share his chronic life allergy. He also lacks Beef’s interest in firearms, though he more than makes up for it with a flair for deep flesh body piercing and a knack for putting his ETL-enhanced physique to graphic effect.

Ryan Harmon

The operations officer aboard the Cheops– quite possibly one of the most boring paramilitary jobs anywhere. You sit around, play video games, download porn, and occasionally strip down and check over the sensor hardware when it detects a blip- ‘cuz when you’re this far out, a blip on the sweep just has to be a malfunction.

Ed Horstmann

Deep range cartography is hardly a prime assignment for a talented Navigator. Talented Navigators run courier missions, recon missions, combat operations and warships. The more talented individuals can write their own ticket and have their pick of assignments – and perks, within reason. The truly gifted Navigators spend more time in the docking queue than they do in space. Ed isn’t at the top of that list. He’s nowhere near it, in fact. Capable of a 0.5 submersion with booster drugs, Ed meets the famously lenient minimum depth requirement for ICG Navigators. He occasionally puts his bare minimum talent to bare minimum use, flipping off General Relativity and hauling the ship into Am whenever the job requires it. Which is just often enough to keep him in the second-lowest bonus bracket for flight pay.

Roberta Kelly

As the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Sabrosa, Roberta Kelly hasn’t had a whole lot to do until recently.

While Heirotus employees are safety conscious and space injuries have a tendency to be fatal, Kelly’s medical staff is trained to deal with more than carbon computers and space medicine, though they don’t get much practice outside of simulators. Being the most experienced physician on board, Kelly deals with all extreme and unique cases personally. Gunshot wounds are something of a specialty.


Kevin lives across the hall from Jason. An audiophile with the only 5.1 system on the floor, Kevin frequently aids and abets Jason’s sonic mayhem. The two collaborate on a spring quarter finals week “wake-up call” in the opening scene of Dead City Radio.

Balthazar Kowalski

Mentioned only by name, Kowalski is Greymalkin’s long-suffering Deputy of Operations, tasked with the day-to-day paperwork and legal requirements of a secret interplanetary militia operating under the nose of Terran authorities. A lawyer by trade, Kowalski is also tasked with the “translation” of Templar cover stories and the substantiation of the “background” and working credentials of offworld and pocket universe Templar assigned to Thule Garrison.


Matt (aka DJ Imperium) is a member of The Night Shift, the DJ crew that runs Ceremony. Matt has a personal preference for New Wave and Black Metal – while the tracks that fill the dancefloor are far from his favorites, he’s an excellent DJ and quite popular with the regulars.

Matt and Jason share a common interest in SPK, Test Department, Echo & the Bunnymen and Cabaret Voltaire.

Martin Oberst

Chief Engineer of the Hemera and the only ICG employee assigned to vehicle maintenance, Martin has spent the vast majority of the deployment training combat-ready Addicaines in the fine art of keeping a deep-range spacecraft running.

Tanya Porter

While it’s Megan’s job to know where the Sabrosa is, it’s Tanya’s job to know what the ship is sitting in. She’s responsible for all communications and sensors inside and outside of the ship. While on duty, Tanya is the eyes, the ears, and the mouth of the Sabrosa.


Ryan is Punk Steve‘s roommate. Handy with a blowtorch, he enjoys setting things on fire and playing fighting games with Jason and Steve.

Megan Sequel

Megan is a third shift Naval Operations Officer assigned to the Sabrosa Trainee Command Center. She coordinates the pilot and navigation systems and, among other duties, is responsible for knowing the position, direction and velocity of the Sabrosa at all times.