Daedalus: Compartment A3

Compartment A3 – the rec area – is the living room and kitchen of the Daedalus. The compartment provides access to the bathroom, the spacesuit locker, the cargo transfer lock and the central corridor. It is the biggest pressurized compartment on the ship, and has been used as a reading room by Ornix and as a language transfer theater by Inga Murnau.

Development Notes: Knowing it would have a good amount of screen time in Transitional Voices, I put a lot of effort into the rec area. It is a very detailed environment – modeled down to the rivets in some places – and that detail is put to good use throughout. That said it is rather obviously a 2008 design – one that was re-lit between Earth and Water. The only adjustment made to the geometry after it entered production was the (seamless!) reconfiguration of the storage area above the table to accommodate the medkit used in Air.