A Javelin class Am-capable high speed cargo transport, the Daedalus is the property of ex-Templar Captain John West. The workhorse of a shady courier service run out of the Australian outback in a nearby pocket universe, the Daedalus is frequently far from Earth, and often under the command of John’s executive officer and co-pilot, Naomi.
Designed to haul moderate amounts of cargo incredibly long distances at incredibly high speeds, the Javelin class is equipped with the most efficient engines and non-organic power plant designed to date. The ship generates artificial gravity by acceleration, and can sustain a 0.5g burn for upwards of six hours. The type is incredibly nimble in a vacuum, though maneuverability in atmosphere is extremely limited. While the advanced RCS system provides a degree of ground effect and the capability to turn on a dime at extremely low speeds, the ship has an atmospheric turning radius of hundreds of kilometers at any significant speed – a maneuverability that decreases exponentially on approach to escape velocity.