The Hemera is a Discovery class deep-range cartography vessel constructed by the Interstellar Cartography Group and leased to Heirotus, officially assigned to chart grid GSV and parts of grid GSU.
The base Discovery hull features two logistics hardpoints, two docking interfaces, centrifugal gravity and a stellar cartography suite equipped with the very latest optical and radio telescopes. Under Heirotus management, the Hemera has been equipped with an advanced Deep Range Holt-Rischmann Device (DR-HRD) and two U-238 utility aerospacecraft. The ship has also been configured for extreme deep-range long duration flight – most of the lower deck has been converted to hydroponics and storage, and flight systems have been heavily automated to enable the ship to run with a crew a third the size of the standard Discovery hull.
The Discovery class plays a role similar to that of the P3 Orion.