20090816 (34) – A quiet, slow day – and now, at 22:44, the upstairs neighbor’s dog is barking and whining while said neighbor stomps around like a pregnant elephant on meth. Fantastic.
There are four pages remaining of the chapter, all requiring some kind of rendering work – or so I thought. I figured this one would, and after TWENTY SIX HOURS of rendering the top of panel one and the top right of panel five – tying up the virtual machine, making it useless for photoshop, slowing me to no additional progress on ATC or commission work – I’m beginning to think I need to find other solutions. Or do what I can to make the rendering work tactical.
Man, I wish that dog would shut up.
Fifteen minutes later, page assembly is done and the dog’s quieted down to occasional fits of whining. Minor cropping for all panels; roof-raising for panels one and five. One doesn’t necessarily benefit from it, but it was that or raise all five panels just a bit. After finding out just how long these panels take to render in the virtual machine, I’m glad I went with this solution.
20091008 (30) – Lettered.
Mastering notes, 2016.12.07 – Minor dialogue adjustments.