A former Soviet military officer, Greymalkin disappeared in southeast Asia in the spring of 1968. He surfaced in late 1969 as an adviser and fixer for Michael West, succeeding West as head of Thule Garrison upon West’s death in 1985. Greymalkin was instrumental in establishing a Templar presence on Earth, a task made somewhat easier by his connections in the American and Russian intelligence communites.
Greymalkin is Defender of the Earth, protecting his charge from all comers with the assistance of a one-ship fleet and a world-wide ground force that’s barely company strength.
Templar Rank : VIII °, considered to have a IX ° Theater Rank – loosely, a Colonel with the responsibilities of a General.
Born 1940, making him 57 during the events of Dead City Radio, and 61 or 62 during The Dualist.
Greymalkin is a fan of the post-punk band Killing Joke, though evidence of this was removed to avoid copyright issues. Though unexplored in the story, his musical taste is roughly in line with that of Jason Whitehouse.