20090814 (15) – One and three scaled; two scaled and roof-raised. The re-render took a bit longer than expected… not the actual render itself per-se, as it zooms in the VM (!). What slowed me down is actually going to speed me up after I shower and go shopping – I rendered out the panels I plan to raise for the next three pages, which will finish this sub-scene. Ornix’s shirt has been replaced, and actually added to panel two – it wasn’t there before, for whatever reason.

20090911 (10) – Lettered.


  • A former United States Army Ranger, Tantek has been with Thule Garrison since the Waking God Protocols field trials of the mid 1990s. He works well with Raven Lockheart, typically functioning as muscle though...

  • Ornix doesn’t let trivial things like ethics and morality get in the way of his loyalties or sense of reality. A longtime friend of Thad and a fellow “victim” of the Templar Waking God...

  • A former Soviet military officer, Greymalkin disappeared in southeast Asia in the spring of 1968. He surfaced in late 1969 as an adviser and fixer for Michael West, succeeding West as head of Thule...

  • A South Jersey punk with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Templar-forged Master’s degree for field work, Raven posed as a high school guidance councillor during the early stages of the Waking God...

  • BMC Long Term Care patient 6656, Annathena Val (hence Val) is a Cognitive Empath, born with an incredibly rare neurological disorder that arises only under a “perfect storm” of genetic abnormalities – a condition...

  • The first extraterrestrial human to be born on Terra. Home-schooled by Templar, he left the organization in 1997 citing management issues and took the Daedalus with him. John is an incredibly talented Navigator, having...

Glossary Articles

  • Rail Tunnel

    The rail tunnel is a subterranean area of Earth 3.0, notable for connecting a maintenance closet that overlaps Sublevel Three of Bethlehem Medical Centre with an abandoned missile silo a few miles away. Templar...

  • Rattan Cane

    The 4′ long 1/2″ thick Rattan Cane is a walking stick and sometimes-weapon favored by Thad, who also uses it as a focus for harnessing and projecting his psychic will. Dyluck uses the weapon...