20141206, 09:55 – The Charger Edit continues. Reworking the revolver for visual continuity – removed a 12 gauge shell, reworked the cylinder and and replaced it with an unfired slug (Ornix’s left, camera right) and expended brass (Ornix’s right, camera left, the shot used on Beef Knuckleback).
Initially referred to as the “Challenger edit” above. Not sure how my brain slipped on that one though the association with the space shuttle and my inability to deal with reality in any capacity at the moment are certainly factors.
This should do it for digital edits – next up for this phase of the edit should be new line art for 5.21 and 5.22.
Second Edition Metadata
Panel three obviously couldn’t be cropped, so one and two got snipped, and four got snipped on the sides as well as a roof-raising. Not as effective as I’d I’d like, but hey – Ornix’s shirt was a bigger concern. Sure, the decal is wee – so wee I almost forgot about it!
Still love the Dirty Harry shot.
20090907 (45) – Lettered, and tweaked Malky’s hair a bit in the bottom panel.