In between this page and the last one: I killed another roach, dusted several cracks in the kitchen, bathroom, and hallway with borax, swept the roach out the back door, did some googling, freaked at tomorrow’s high temp (91! WHAT THE FUCK?!), and I’m so full of sucralose that the jolt from the bug on the carpet has blasted me into a high orbit around Planet Anxiety. Anything that’s Dark And Not The Floor in my peripheral vision is making me jump, twitch, freak out.
Mix bugs, Tired, and sucralose and it’s one big stew of OH GAWD.
This has happened to me enough times that more often than not I’m able to recognize it for what it is. Recognition helps to throttle the freak-out, but it doesn’t make it much easier to ride out. The only cure for this is substantial roach-proofing, a vacuum cleaner (that’s the nice thing about borax – it sweeps/sucks up easily), and several weeks or months Roach Free.
After all that I jumped on this – the bendy bits are separate from the panels, and 2-5 all lost some bits. Hopefully it won’t have a big impact on the dialogue.
Halfway in, I started freaking about bugs a smidge less and remembered the Ornix Shirt Thing. Fortunately the next one – the first one for this chapter – isn’t for a couple more pages.
Good thing I Made A List, and Checked It Twice.
20090907 (41) – Lettered.
Mastering notes, 2016.12.07 – Rewrote panel two, which manages to say a lot about Ornix’s opinion of Thad without requiring any changes to Thad’s dialogue in response.