Much like the previous page – a new frame at the top and some reworking of panels two and three to make the bottom three panels fit correctly. I filled out Murnau’s elbow and tweaked the shadow her hair casts a bit – the doc is horrible, and the crap quality of that panel is why I held off on any further adjustments.

The cameras in panel one were modeled down to power switches and heat sinks – like the psy-obs blast door, this is their first substantial appearance. I’d like to say that I don’t over-model environments any more, but the last interior I did was the base hallway for Allegheny Center, which has yet to be used in DCR.

Mastering notes, 2016.12.06 – Minor dialogue and continuity adjustments.


  • A distant cousin of Thad’s, Rayne is Spinoza’s assistant, and the only Templar who’s been able to figure out the ancient BMRI hardware installed in BMC’s psionics observation ward. Rayne is a POG, preferring...

  • A former Soviet military officer, Greymalkin disappeared in southeast Asia in the spring of 1968. He surfaced in late 1969 as an adviser and fixer for Michael West, succeeding West as head of Thule...

  • One of several resident psychotherapists at Bethlehem Medical Centre. A trained psionicist with a specialty in stealth spelunking and event recovery, Murnau can poke around the average mind without raising much of a ruckus....

  • A native of Helios, Doctor Spinoza is the only offworlder currently assigned to Thule Garrison. A neurologist with a specialty in psionic afflictions, the doctor is the only member of the garrison qualified to...

  • BMC Long Term Care patient 6656, Annathena Val (hence Val) is a Cognitive Empath, born with an incredibly rare neurological disorder that arises only under a “perfect storm” of genetic abnormalities – a condition...

Glossary Articles

  • Bethlehem Medical Centre

    Bethlehem Medical Centre (BMC) is a hospital and detention facility located in the first parallel universe attached to Earth (aka “Earth 2.0”). Were it in this universe, the building would be a short drive...


    A militantly obscure underground breakbeat industrial “movement” enjoyed by Jason, listened to by Thad and proselytized by Rayne. A real (joke) “band” with real (joke) music and a real (joke) website.

  • Psi-Obs

    The Psionic Observation Ward is located in the most secure part of Bethlehem Medical Centre – Sub-level Three, way in the back. When properly staffed a number of security checkpoints prevent casual access to...