Huh. (again, Aug 10 ’09 – HOW IS IT 10 ALREADY?) For some reason I always figured this page wouldn’t down-sample useably. Yet it does, with a good amount of elbow room and PLENTY of goatse to spare.


20091010 (2) – Lettered.

Mastering notes, 2016.12.07 – Corrected a minor grammatical error.


  • A former United States Army Ranger, Tantek has been with Thule Garrison since the Waking God Protocols field trials of the mid 1990s. He works well with Raven Lockheart, typically functioning as muscle though...

  • A former Marines Corps Navigator, Naomi handles the Daedalus whenever West has other priorities. Hotheaded and irreverant, Naomi swears like a sailor and is known for making impulsive piloting decisions, with a marked tendency...

  • A former Soviet military officer, Greymalkin disappeared in southeast Asia in the spring of 1968. He surfaced in late 1969 as an adviser and fixer for Michael West, succeeding West as head of Thule...

Glossary Articles

  • Old Missile Silo

    Earth 3.0 experienced a nuclear apocalypse at some point in the distant past. While large swaths of the planet remain uninhabitable, fallout has reached tolerable levels in some places, such as this ancient rail-fed...