This is the left page of a two-page spread. While both pages can be read individually they’re clearly designed to be seen next to each other, much like Earth -32- and -33-. You’ll see what I mean on Friday – unless you support ATC on Patreon, in which case you already know what I’m talking about! :D

This page veers away from the original layouts a little bit – the scripted panel two was a shot of West looking antsy with the jump sticks. During rendering I decided that the line was a better fit for Xand, and changing the shot from the bridge to the cargo bay made for a much stronger composition. It works thematically as well as visually, as every cast member aboard the Daedalus gets their own panel and they’re all very much doing what they do.

I’m writing the post for this page on Sunday the 16th. With any luck by the time the page is scheduled to go up the plumbing issues I talked about previously will have been resolved. One of the quirks of doing this kind of writing in advance – my “tomorrow” won’t show up in metadata until the final page! A page you can read right now if you support ATC on Patreon!



  • A traumatic Awakening in the summer of 1997 was just the beginning of Thad’s emotional problems. The disappearance of most of his Pittsburgh friends a few weeks later compounded his issues and, while he...

  • Ornix doesn’t let trivial things like ethics and morality get in the way of his loyalties or sense of reality. A longtime friend of Thad and a fellow “victim” of the Templar Waking God...

  • A South Jersey punk with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Templar-forged Master’s degree for field work, Raven posed as a high school guidance councillor during the early stages of the Waking God...

  • The first extraterrestrial human to be born on Terra. Home-schooled by Templar, he left the organization in 1997 citing management issues and took the Daedalus with him. John is an incredibly talented Navigator, having...

  • A pink-haired mechanical genius with a full complement of prosthetic limbs (one “bolt-on,” three high-quality synthetics) and no memory of her first twenty years, Xand is the Daedalus flight engineer. A non-terrestrial human with...

Glossary Articles

  • Compartment D1

    Compartment D1 is the unpressurized cargo bay of the Daedalus. It is dominated by the distinctive forward access hatch, port and starboard bay doors, landing gear wells, and a cargo lift that can be...

  • Daedalus

    A Javelin class Am-capable high speed cargo transport, the Daedalus is the property of ex-Templar Captain John West. The workhorse of a shady courier service run out of the Australian outback in a nearby...

  • Hrazny mrDat

    According to Raven Lockheart, Hrazny mrDat is “an utterly unremarkable industrial planet,” with a peak population of 1.2 billion. In her words, “the only thing this place really has going for it is [Templar...