A Holt-Rischmann Device (HRD) is a quantum device that measures the local ambient energy index and the exertion of of a quantum force synonymous with (but not exclusive to) the human Will. Advanced models are sensitive enough to differentiate signatures of the same magnitude and can be programmed to detect specific individuals regardless of their level of exertion (resting, unconscious, agitated, projecting, etc).
The HRD comes in a variety of shapes and sizes – the Heirotus portable version looks like a matchlock pistol, and the ETL-supplied Templar variant is most commonly used as a desktop device. Difficult and expensive to produce, HRDs command an exorbitant price on the open market.
The HRD is most frequently used in transit science research and in the mental health field. In the latter case it can provide an accurate indication of an individual’s attitude and disposition, regardless of their body language or behavior. As a form of “intent detector,” the device is seeing increasing use in the fields of Corporate Security and Law Enforcement – though the device can be “spoofed” by trained professionals and sociopaths.