A former Marines Corps Navigator, Naomi handles the Daedalus whenever West has other priorities. Hotheaded and irreverant, Naomi swears like a sailor and is known for making impulsive piloting decisions, with a marked tendency...
Commander of the Cheops, one of a small handful of veil-capable Templar vessels in Earth’s neck of the woods. Polaski is known to have a deep love of explosives- his interest in ordnance drove...
A Titan class low orbit and upper atmosphere patrol craft, the Cheops is the sole Templar vehicle permanently assigned to Terra. Orbiting the earth in Am or within the Veil at a depth of...
A Javelin class Am-capable high speed cargo transport, the Daedalus is the property of ex-Templar Captain John West. The workhorse of a shady courier service run out of the Australian outback in a nearby...
Not listed in the official ICG star charts, GSV-368.3 appears only in highly classified Templar navigational databases. GSV-368.3 is the only human-rated planet in the GSV-GSW 0.15 AEI “sinkhole.” The local Templar garrison refers...