And thanks to layer group masking, the final line of dialogue looks like it’s had a giant chunk bitten out of it (which is effectively has – imagine some sort of screeching slurp washing out Sterling’s voice), and the dialogue is still editable, if I need it to be!
For the record, Grij isn’t a misogynist. Much as he’d probably like to be. Had the rational coordinator aboard the Majestic been a guy, he would have called him a “stupid bastard.” Excessively unprofessional in either case, but – as I think I’ve stated previously – the Heirotus Colonial Authority isn’t the Real Military.
I’m sure Brand will eventually ground Grij or dock his allowance or something, but for the time being there’s not much he can do to stop his chief Spooky Guy from acting like a complete dick.
Mastering notes, 2016.12.06 – Minor dialogue adjustments.