Quite a few changes from the script, though the page picks up and ends in the same place it did in the original draft, so it’s all good. Photo source around Boulevard of the Allies and Smithfield wasn’t as thorough as it could have been, honestly – fortunately the changes resulted in less work, less juvenile wish fulfillment, less between-the-lines contempt, and a stronger page overall.
As with the past couple of pages, this one has had a three or four day development cycle – four if you count the initial shot selection and integration, three if you’re only counting the actual photoshop and illustration work. Background prep one day, line work the next, shading today. I’d gotten all geared up to do line and shading yesterday, but my brain went “pfffp.” and frankly I’m happy I got the linework drawn, scanned, cleaned the hell up and flat colored.
Scale may be a bit off in panel two – if it is, at least I went smaller then life this time, as opposed to much, much larger. I’m fairly confident with the results of the other two panels, and the next page ought to be a slam dunk in the scale department.
Also would have been up thirty minutes ago, but I totally got the light sourcing wrong on panel three, so I wiped it and did the fastest re-shade EVAR.
Mastering notes, 2016.12.05 – Removed the decal from Jesse’s shirt and made some dialogue adjustments to panel two.