In which Raven gets plot all over the place, and Thad asks the obvious question. All of this is vital stuff for the next book in the series – why ETL is relocating as much of the population as it can instead of leaving them to fend for themselves will be answered either there or in the still-hypothetical Dead City Radio Six.

This page is going up a few days earlier than planned for a couple of reasons – as stated previously I’m not happy with how the last page turned out so I’m cutting its run on the front page short for my own peace of mind. Today is also a holiday, of sorts, and those are traditionally ATC work days and posting days. After a few weeks of all but ignoring ATC to enjoy The Witcher 3 it’s time to get back to the grind. Much as I wish it were otherwise, this thing ain’t gonna finish itself.


  • A traumatic Awakening in the summer of 1997 was just the beginning of Thad’s emotional problems. The disappearance of most of his Pittsburgh friends a few weeks later compounded his issues and, while he...

  • A South Jersey punk with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Templar-forged Master’s degree for field work, Raven posed as a high school guidance councillor during the early stages of the Waking God...

Glossary Articles

  • Hrazny mrDat

    According to Raven Lockheart, Hrazny mrDat is “an utterly unremarkable industrial planet,” with a peak population of 1.2 billion. In her words, “the only thing this place really has going for it is [Templar...