20091031 (1) – The first completely new page since the fourth of july upload. It’s been a big week in that respect – I finished texturing the ship, built the cryo-tube, finalized the Yang model, built the gas giant, got this page framed up and ready to go, comped the first panel and used my new Poor Man’s Light Table for the first time… drew and shaded panel one, made the nebula, hacked at panel two until I got something that made sense… and now I need to come up with a temporary section cover and… uh… some other stuff, so I can get the next seven pages done.
Ph34r the Dead City Radio overlap. More on the significance etc. when I’m less hung over.
Thematically, this is the “right” to suction -4-‘s left, and is a mirror or continuation in many ways – namely Ornix and Yang looking “forward,” while Thad and the Aeon look “up and away,” both looking for answers, albeit in the past. Or internally. Possibly even in the wrong direction. Navelgazing, if you will. A task the Aeon kicks ass at, as you’ll soon see.
The second panel may be tweaked after I start work on the rest of the scene. While this is basically an art-splash with no deeply relevant scenery (same as the previous page), if I can come up with Better while I’m working on the next batch of renders, then I’ll revise the page accordingly. Honestly, I hope I don’t – this looks good as-is… and just this once I’d like to bust out a page and leave it!
15:02 < xeno> panel 1 *has* to be the foremost part of the ship
15:03 < xeno> and it’s where either the pilot sits, or it’s the Bad Boy Chair
15:03 < xeno> * $recruit fucks up
15:03 < xeno> < grij> Go sit in the chair
15:03 < xeno> < $recruit> But… but… it’s full of stars!
15:03 < _Lasar_> haha
15:03 < xeno> < grij> GO SIT IN THE CHAIR RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME!
15:03 < xeno> * $recruit cries and goes and sits in the chair
15:04 < _Lasar_> You get to write the screenplay
15:05 < xeno> heh
15:05 < xeno> or i’ll just sit in the theatre and MST3K it
15:05 < xeno> or *and*
15:05 < xeno> and++
15:06 < solios> and++
15:07 < ejp> pfft, ands can’t make boats Go. Ors can.
15:07 < ejp> or++
15:07 < solios> asdf
15:07 < solios> ejp++