20090810 (2) – Doesn’t get much more straightforward than this – cropped and scaled. The end.

Also, blurred the display in panel four a bit. Quicker and easier than replacing the hand-drawn Majestic with the CG version. This CG version of the sensor pod is closer to the original drawing anyway. I may replace it before the page goes orange – it depends on how many Trouble Pages I bump into in this chapter.

20090908 (4) – Captioned. Still meditating on the Majestic graphics – given all of the other graphical inconsistencies in the story (Ornix’s car, for example), I might let this one slide. Time will tell.


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Glossary Articles

  • Majestic

    The Majestic is a cutting-edge Am-capable reconnaissance aerospacecraft designed to operate in deep space, low orbit and high atmosphere. Equipped with a surveillance package containing military grade electronics and classified Heirotus organic systems, the...

  • U-238 (Loki)

    The Barghosa Aerospace Utility Aerospacecraft Model 238 (U-238 or “Loki”) is an airframe that sucks well at everything. While inferior to purpose-built attack, transport, electronic warfare and even cargo vehicles, the fact that the...