Was Convergence -1- in the first edition. I’ve sniped the first two pages of that scene (in terms of naming conventions, anyway), so now Convergence starts when Raven hits Oz Two. The “descent” of R & T was originally just a two page splurt to kick off that scene… since that bit was effectively expanded during the first First Edition edit, I figure it’s about time that all related pages came together as one big happy family.
The first edition was an even 3x height. But! Since the second panel has to be preserved exactly, the crop slop falls on the other panels and the balance of the composition shifts. Also, Tantek’s appearance in panel three has been completely rearticulated – in part to match with the revised dialogue, which was in part revised because there’s no good reason for Tantek to be obsessing about the sky right now.
Mastering notes, 2016.12.06 – Edited the scanner view, removing the U-238 silhouette.