Greg’s gotten a bit more chiseled.
This is the second time the layout has been reworked. The first time was to replace Extreme{ly Bad} Eye Closeups with vehicle shots. Or rather, implied vehicle shots. This time, the layout has been reworked for better narrative flow – something I can do now that all of The Dualist CG assets have been created.
Also, the first of the major Daedalus re-renders. I’m using the same method I used for the first chapter of Transitional Voices, and more importantly, I’ve decided to ditch the binary paint scheme. This means large amounts of this chapter are going to be re-rendered. As long as the end result is made of awesome, I’m fine with that.
Also, yay for red shift!
The Daedalus was going to be “announced” in panel two, but after tons of mucking around, it never felt right. It’ll be “announced” properly in the scene after next – this bit isn’t about ships or locations, anyway – it’s between Grij and Greg and could just as easily take place in Toronto and Paris.