HOW ‘BOUT THAT PLOT. The mechanics of Murnau spoiling Ornix’s reveal were foreshadowed in June, and the fact that Ornix is rather a hell of a lot more useful than Thad is kind of Ornix’s theme. If “comparative competence” isn’t his overall theme it’s certainly his Transitional Voices arc, as seen in the previous chapter and earlier in this one… an arc that’ll likely get driven home in the book finale, coming next year!
The WFD is a real thing, even if their website hasn’t been updated in awhile. In fact it hasn’t updated since I ascertained its existence for the script. Coincidence?!
Panel four is a bit more cramped than I’d like – I derped on the actions running in parallel with the plot and didn’t realize that Murnau needed to be passing a bag to Raven on this page until I was well into rendering the next one, so I had to come back and figure out how to fit that in – the end result is a cramped little knot of West reaching for Murnau’s helmet, Murnau tossing the bag, Ornix Ornixing and Raven snapping the medkit shut inside a comparatively small space. Good thing the line art turned out.
The extent of Ornix’s lateness remains undetermined – he could have walked out when Thad yelled for him; he could have walked off set well before then. That isn’t particularly relevant at the moment, though it may come up later!
Next week: Plot ain’t got time to reminisce!