
The public face of the Heirotus Eugenics Program, Addicaines are genetically engineered Heirotus metahumans trained from birth to do whatever it is that needs doing – anything from the blackest of black ops to corporate security and everything in between. Roughly half of the personnel aboard the Sabrosa are part of the Heirotus Eugenics Program. While all of them are technically Addicaines, the term officially applies to the soldiers and pilots that form the Corporate Security Detatchment.

Greg Auriga and Alias are Addicaines.


Addicaine N-6 Alias Aza’hel is far and above the most powerful telekinetic talent of the N series, and is to date the only “Chosen” to be successfully sequenced by the Addicaine Program. Deeply intuitive, highly observant, incredibly intelligent and improbably naive, Alias has been aware of his preferred status since puberty, despite no obvious preferential treatment and a program-wide order to never discuss his status. He is the only Addicaine whose sequencing records require executive clearance to view. As a result of the catastrophic loss of life and extensive ecological damage caused by the manifestation of his “talent,” Alias carries several deeply-implanted time-release medical devices that inhibit his telekinetic ability. Even with these governors, at the age of 19 he is the most powerful telekinetic talent in living memory – capable of long range projection, levitation, and the repulsion of explosions and thousands of tons of debris.

Captain Soleina Andreissen

While General Grij commands the Sabrosa‘s Addicaines, Captain Andreissen is in charge of the rest of the boat. Or rather, she was. She’s been in an exceptionally sour mood since Heirotus CEO Brandon James used an Executive Override to put Grij in charge of her ship.

Robert Carrington

Officially the personal bodyguard of Heirotus founder Brandon James, Robert “Bob” Carrington also plays a role in intelligence analysis and the assessment of threats against both the CEO and the corporation. James’ moral compass to the extent that he has one, it’s almost always Bob’s call to handle “irregular” situations via diplomacy, espionage or wetwork. Bob excels at this latter discipline. Occasionally disappearing for days or weeks at a time, the only evidence of his handiwork is a tedious intelligence analysis concluding that an untimely death – typically the result of an accident or “statistical anomaly” – benefits Heirotus in some fashion.

Carrington assumes the mantle of Head of Heirotus Corporate Security shortly after Michael Yang is mortally wounded in early 569 (January, 1968), and still holds the position at the time of The Dualist.

Hera Frenk

Senior NCO of the Hemera Addicaine Group.

While Greg Auriga is senior Heirotus employee and technically in charge of all Heirotus personnel aboard ship, chain of command puts all Addicaines except Greg and Jo Young under Hera’s authority. Given the nature of the Hemera‘s mission and the lack of key ICG personnel, Hera has found herself in charge of a squad of journeyman maintenance technicians with itchy trigger fingers.

General Grij

The ranking officer aboard HX-47 Sabrosa, Grij is the supervisor and final authority for all paramilitary field operations and training in which the vessel is assigned. The former Director of Applied Psionics Research for Armed Services Division Five, Grij is one of the most qualified policy-makers in the Heirotus military eugenics program.

He’s also a wordy bastard who never met an adjective he didn’t like.

The General rates at a 3.56 on the adjusted HRD scale, putting his perceptive capacities and causality influence well above metahuman norms. Inherent abilities and years of training in Division Five enable Grij to function in sinkholes and low AEI areas- a discipline that few possess.

Brandon James

Brandon James founded Heirotus in order to put his doctorate-equivalents in Xenoarcheology and Anthropology to use without academic interference. After a crucial (and highly classified) discovery by Heirotus contractor Judas Lang, James branched the company into high technology and has personally overseen the day-to-day operations of the FTL, communications, and eugenics divisions for the past 40 years. Only a few people high up in the company know the actual purpose of these programs, and all are sworn to secrecy.

Roberta Kelly

As the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Sabrosa, Roberta Kelly hasn’t had a whole lot to do until recently.

While Heirotus employees are safety conscious and space injuries have a tendency to be fatal, Kelly’s medical staff is trained to deal with more than carbon computers and space medicine, though they don’t get much practice outside of simulators. Being the most experienced physician on board, Kelly deals with all extreme and unique cases personally. Gunshot wounds are something of a specialty.

Tanya Porter

While it’s Megan’s job to know where the Sabrosa is, it’s Tanya’s job to know what the ship is sitting in. She’s responsible for all communications and sensors inside and outside of the ship. While on duty, Tanya is the eyes, the ears, and the mouth of the Sabrosa.

Doctor Martin Rand

Longtime friend, resource and “inside man” to Heirotus founder Brandon James, Doctor Rand served as a consultant and contractor for over a decade, using his position in academia to “service and influence” the interests of industry. With his mercenary use of academic facilities coming under scrutiny in the wake of the MBO-1 incident, Rand left Morgan Bay University to run the initial Navigator-focused stages of the Heirotus Addicaine Program, and has served as the Heirotus Director Of Transit Science since the late 1960s.

Aleph Rydzyk

The previous incarnation of Jason Whitehouse, and a contemporary of Brandon James and Michael Yang around the time of the MBO-1 incident. A potent psychic and self-proclaimed “conditional past-life regressor,” Aleph used her unique capabilities to assist anthropologists and xenoarcheologists before finding herself on the Heirotus payroll.

Megan Sequel

Megan is a third shift Naval Operations Officer assigned to the Sabrosa Trainee Command Center. She coordinates the pilot and navigation systems and, among other duties, is responsible for knowing the position, direction and velocity of the Sabrosa at all times.

Torg Sparkson

Sergeant Sparkson is the third shift (0000-0800) Signal Intelligence Operator (SIO) aboard the Sabrosa. As third shift SIO on a training boat, Sparkson spends most of his time looking busy, trying to look busy, taking extended bathroom breaks or doing crossword puzzles. He’s lucky if he logs more than sixty hours of Real Work during a cruise. It’s a boring, boring job, but hey- SigInt is a pay grade above SigComms, dammit. And despite the tedium, it looks great on a resume.

Oru Sterling

One of four non-Ikon carbon computer hosts with formal flight training aboard the Sabrosa. When she’s not functioning in an intelligence-gathering capacity, she’s subconsciously processing communications, cryptography, intelligence analysis and medical imaging as part of the Sabrosa Network Cluster.

Sterling is a Majestic payload specialist.

Major Wakeman

Theo Wakeman transferred to Heirotus after an eighteen year stint as a drill instructor in Armed Services Division Three, ending his NCO career with a corporate cross-promotion. As XO of the Sabrosa Addicaine Group, Wakeman is very, very good at keeping grunts organized and motivated. He’s been grinding genetically engineered boys into genetically engineered fighting men since the N series was still in the gene sequencer.

Michael Yang

An Army special forces verteran, Yang served as the Chief of Heirotus Corporate Security from shortly before the time of the first MBO-1 Encounter until his near-death in January, 1968. Some time after that he wound up in some form of suspended animation aboard the Aeon.

How this occurred has not been shown – the reader is asked to accept the fact that a dead cyborg ninja and his pet ghost-dog-spaceship are playing Super Voyeur on the other side of the galaxy.

Jo Young

The Heirotus Mission Specialist assigned to the Hemera, Jo Young is an expert on the operation of Holt-Rischmann sensor equipment, specifically the Deep Range Holt-Rischmann Device installed aboard the Discovery-class vessels contracted by Heirotus. The hardware has a lot in common with standard deep-range optical telescopes, so Jo splits her time between the Mission Package and assisting Spokes with astrometrics.